Friday, May 21, 2010

Huacachina, Peru

From Arequipa we again headed north towards Ica, and back to sea level. Ica itself is less than cool, however just 15 minutes in a taxi or tuk-tuk will land you in Huacachina - a small resort town nestled within an endless horizon of sand dunes. Quite cool indeed.

The town is completely geared towards tourism consisting only of hostels, hotels, restaurants and sandboarding tour agencies. Who cares though? Why would you need anything else besides going sandboarding and dune buggying in a place like this? For the price of s/35 (s/45 if you want to use a modified snowboard rather than a sandboard), you can get a two hour sand buggy with a driver that borders on crazy, and a ride down 5-6 sand dunes within the surrounding parks of Huacachina. 'Awesome' is the only word to describe. So much so that we decided to stay an extra night so that we could do it again (and probably would have stayed another day or two if we didn't have a flight to catch).

The first day we opted for the modified snowboards, perhaps biting off more than we could chew with zero snowboarding experience between us. The agency was kind enough to let us take them out for a quick practice before the actual tour and we managed to get a reasonable grasp of it, or so we thought. The dunes we practiced on were a bit more tame than the ones within the park. After a few stacks on the tour, I turfed the snowboard for a standard sandboard. Nick persisted with not much luck and ended up looking like a sand castle.

Despite our lack of success, the buggy tour well and truly made it an excting afternoon. The next day we swallowed our pride and turfed the snowboards, preferring to go face down on the sandboards which is the fastest way to get from the top to the bottom. So. Much. Fun. To take things to the 'next level', one of the pro-boarders from the agency came with us on the second tour and took us to some of the steepest and longest dunes in the park.

Long story short, if you go to Peru and don't do this, you've done yourself a great disservice.

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