Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lisbon, Portugal

- We managed to keep our bearings and possessions between the bus station and the hostel - always good!

- First stop was the Oriente area which is essetially a fabricated docklands style tourist area. On the words of Sam we avoided the aquarium, and took the chairlift the traverses the waterfront. Good views but not mind-blowing.

- On the way back we hopped off the metro to walk through the old town area to see the many plazas and monuments, then back to Chiado.

- That evening we went on the hunt for our Portugese food experience - Portugese style chicken! Success! A whole piri-piri chicken and large serving of rice for €7.50! Such a bargain we got it again the following evening.

- On our final day we took the no.28 histrorical tram (suprisingly similar to the Santa Teresa tram of Rio de Janeiro - wonder why?) up to the top of the town to see the castle and overlook the waterfront. Great weather complemented the view. Glad we didn't walk though!

- Afterwards, we did our customary football stadium trip to the home of Benfica FC. Not exactly an impressive stadium aesthetically, but plenty on history.

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