Saturday, August 7, 2010

Nice, France

- Despite departing 2-hours late, our bus to Nice arrived on time due to the drivers only taking 1 break for the duration. Make no mistake - this bus ride was terrible. We all felt like we were about to die upon arrival.

- After some food, we made the executive decision to get the train over to Monaco - home of the rich, famous and other people that can afford a €1-million application fee. Nice cars and generally over-the-top was the order of the day, especially up near the Grand Casino. Before departing back to Nice, we took a quick walk around Formula 1's most famous street circuit.

- After a sleep in the next morning, we ventured into the old town to see what was on offer, and then onto Nice's famous pebbled beach.

- That evening we walked along the water front promenade and saw all the acts for the nights 'Prom Party' warming up, including a rather peculiar banana race.

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