Friday, April 23, 2010

La Paz, Bolivia (part 1)

Blogger is being a pain in the ass and lost this post as well so I'll have to be brief on the re-write (we were only here for 2 days anyway).

We arrived foolishly early (5.30am) and managed to find our hostel (Adventure Brew for those playing along at home, complete with it's own microbrewery) with relative ease.

These two days were primarily admin so as to make our 5 days post-Amazon as laidback as possible.

First off we booked a mountain bike tour down the 'death road' with Vertigo Tours for the following day. They are one of the two flagship companies for the tour (along with Gravity) and we managed to get them down to BS560 per person. It was well worth it - amazing scenery, a feeling of accomlishment at the end, a few quiet beers at the end and a swim - a great day.

Our other admin task in La Paz was to book flights and tours for the Amazon Basin. On the recommendation of many we booked flights with Amaszonas and both a tour of the Pampas wetlands and more traditional jungle. Photos and results to follow - watch this space!!

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