Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tapiza, Bolivia/Uyuni, Bolivia

Unfortunately the original post got deleted when I tried to upload so this is a watered-down version. The above towns in their own right were reasonably boring. The only reason we even attended them was for the very popular tour of the Bolivian desert and salt flats. A must-see on any gringo adventure.

On the advice of those that went before us, we searched for a 3 day/2 night tour, however with no luck. We ended up securing a 4 day/3 night tour for AU151 - cheaper than what Sam and Emma got their shorter tour for just 2 months earlier.

The tour was split into 4 reasonably even sections, ending with Salar de Uyuni on the final day. Enroute we encounted vast landscapes, lagoons, hot springs and plenty of Llama's. On reflection it is definitely up there with the best activities/tours we've done on the continent.


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