Tuesday, April 13, 2010

La Quiaca, Argentina/Villazon, Bolivia

We departed Salta at 10.00pm for a 7 hour overnight bus north to the small town of La Quiaca. With a 5.30am arrival up our sleeves we were sure we'd avoid the 3+ hour wait Sam and Emma had experienced, as well as getting out of Villazon up to Tupiza as quickly as possible on the Bolivian side.

It was still dark when we arrived and we were sure the border crossing would be quiet, however we didn't count on the border opening until 7am, which meant a short wait before we set off on the 1km trek (tailed by a stray dog that eventually followed us into Bolivia). To make matters worse, the Bolivian border also didn't open until 7am, but is subject to a 1 hour time difference. Ultimately after we had left Argentina we had to sit and queue on the bridge until we could enter Bolivia. Despite the wait, all went smoothly an we were the first tourists to enter Bolivia from Argentina that morning. With no hesitation, we jet off to the bus station (struggling with the altitude) to get the first bus to Tupiza. Only minutes after arrival, and BL10 later we were off to Tupiza.

Too easy!

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