Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Glasgow, Scotland

Ye olde homeland! A one hour flight with our best mate RyanAir saw us arrive in Glasgow. Often overlooked by the average tourist, perhaps due to it's grittier appearance than Edinburgh, the city acutally has quite a bit to offer - good nightlife, home of one of the most bitter football rivalries in the world, and most importantly for me, the origins of my family.

- When I asked my old man what he recommended we do in Glasgow the response was 'go to the pub - people from Glasgow like a drink'. As it turns out, we arrived on a Saturday! Location of choce was The Arches - a disused series of tunnels turned entertainment venue, and home to the infamous monthly InsideOut parties. We had heard Scottish clubbers were pretty loose, and they were. Rowdiness and chanting were the norm, especially when local lad Mark Shery took the decks. Definitely a different clubbing experience.

- With that out onthe way, most of the remainder of my time was spent meeting family, and putting faces to what were previously resigned to names on Christmas and birthday cards. It was great to swap stories, pay out on other family member not there to defend themselves, and see the place where everyone grew up. Last but not least, to drink IrnBru at the source was an experience in itself.

- Before leaving, we managed to sneak in some quick sight seeing around the city centre, southbank area, and see the infamous Ibrox Stadium - one home of Europes most hate filled football rivalries.

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