Tuesday, June 15, 2010

London, England

From the USA we travelled overnight to our final leg - the UK and Europe. The time zone change was an absolute killer as the 6ish hour flight saw a time change close to 12 hours. Nonetheless, we jumped onto the tube at Heathrow and ventured out to our hostel in Willesden Green.

Because I'm so cultured and have been to London before, I skipped over many of the attractions I had done previously. Despite this however we did take a ride around the London Eye, walked the banks of the River Thames past Tower of London and Tower Bridge, and visited the Tate Modern and London History Museum


The rest of my time was spent travelling out to visit some of Sam's family, lazing about at the hostel after a hectic couple of weeks in the USA, and watching some of the World Cup clashes.

Our London stop was shortlived and merely a pit stop before our next leg: Ireland. Watch this space!

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