Friday, June 25, 2010

Ireland Roadtrip: Cork-Doolin-Galway-Donegal-Derry

From Dublin we set off south to Cork to commence a fairly epic roadtrip from south to north. Being the only one with manual driving skills I was the designated driver (test pilot), with navigation duties split between Sam and Nick. The preliminary issue was how we were going to fit 4 bags and 4 people into a Opel Corsa. Somehow it worked and did quite well with it.

Doing it all ourselves meant we were without tour guides the whole time and thus, cannot explain much of the history behind the places visited. Hopefully the pictures below tell the story. Moreover, because we were all too tight to buy a proper road map, we had to rely on crappy tourist ones which got us lost once or twice. Oh well - part of the adventure as they say.

Our stops along the way were as follows:
Cork; Doolan; Galway (2 night 'refuel'); Donegal/Malinbeg; and Derry.

Our general route and sights included:
Bunratty Castle; Cliffs of Moher; Conemarra; Roscommen Castle; Derry city centre; and Giants Causeway.

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