Friday, June 4, 2010

Tampa, USA

Heading north we arrived in Tampa on the Gulf of Mexico side of Florida for a couple of days of family time. We opted to fly rather than take the 4 hor bus journey. As it turns out, flying with America Airlines almost turned out to take just as long due to their over the top security measures.

While Tampa is not really being an reknowned international tourist hot spot, Clearwater Beach proves extremely popular with American locals and was still rather busy after the Memorial Day weekend. The Clearwater Beach was a vast change from the hustle and bustle of South Beach in Miami, and in my opinion, much nicer. Although being on the Gulf of Mexico coast, the BP oil spill thankfully hadn't yet tainted the picturesque scenery.


Much of our time was split between relaxing in Clearwater Beach and catching up with family, so not there's not really much to report from a purely 'touristic' perspective, but I think the above photos depict it rather well.

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